Know the options, including my shell script that does it all, each step explained

  • Background
  • Manual step-by-step install
  • Videos on YouTube

This tutorial introduces JMeter by explaining each setp of an automated script for imposing artificial load on a server created to run RabbitMQ.


Install Jmeter On Windows

May 10, 2016 yes. Make sure you have the latest JRE installed. Download it from oracle. Download the apache jmeter tarball:

  1. In an internet browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, etc.), open

    BTW: Historically, JMeter first became available December 2003 as the “Jakarta” project until it became the full-fledged product. Its previous URL is automatically routed from

    For now, just look at the webpage header:JMeter is open-sourced by the Apache Foundation project. This means JMeter is offered free.

    Java based

    The “J” in JMeter refers to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).JMeter is written in Java.This makes JMeter multi-platform on Windows, MacOS, Linux.

    “Meter” refers to being akin to parking meters that measure time. It is said that “Time is money” because when a user waits for the system to respond, he or she is not productive getting work done. And the longer that a transaction takes to respond, the more servers are needed to server everyone.

    Each JMeter program running can emulate hundreds of human users typing and clicking through a web application because JMeter mimics just the network traffic exchanged between clients and servers. We make JMeter do that in order to measure how the application server will likely behave under load when running in production. The amount of load imposed by JMeter is often described in terms of the number of real users JMeter emulates. Each fake user may be setup to submit transactions quicker than real users.

    From the Apache web page:

    BLAH: “JMeter is not a browser, it works at protocol level. As far as web-services and remote services are concerned, JMeter looks like a browser (or rather, multiple browsers); however JMeter does not perform all the actions supported by browsers. In particular, JMeter does not execute the Javascript found in HTML pages. Nor does it render the HTML pages as a browser does (it’s possible to view the response as HTML etc., but the timings are not included in any samples, and only one sample in one thread is ever displayed at a time).”

  2. Wikipedia lists the version history:

    Note version 4 became available on Feb. 10, 2018 to support Java 9.

Installation options

There are several ways to obtain a running instance of JMeter,listed from easiest to most difficult:

A) You don’t need a local machine if you run JMeter within a cloud service such as at or

But customers at some companies do not trust public clouds. So…

B) Manually download installer to install locally.

This is the approach shown by many tutorials (see below)

C) Pull an image from Docker Hub within a Google Compute or AWS cloud instance.

D) Use the Dockerfile to build your own Docker image containing JMeter.

Jmeter Download And Install For Mac Os

E) Run a Bash script to install JMeter natively on you Mac.

F) Manually type in Terminal commands executed in the automated script.

CAUTION: If you are in a large enterprise, confer with your security team before installing. They often have a repository such as Artifactory or Nexus whereinstallers are available after being vetted and perhaps patchedfor security vulnerabilities.

Blazemeter SaaS

You don’t need a local machine if you use the cloud service

You can’t use blazemeter if your server is behind a firewall because blazemeter is a Saas service running on the public internet.

The SaaS vendor was purchased by CA in 2017.

Users of Blazemeter can use their add-on test framework.

Blogs about this:


Manually download installer

  1. Even if you’re not intending to download, go here to see the dates of each version available for download:

    At time of writing:

  2. In Finder, double-click the file to unzip to folder:


  3. Move the folder to a folder with a path containing no spaces, such as:

    PROTIP: Putting the folder in your home folder would avoid issues with permissions.

    export PATH=”$HOME/jmeter:$PATH”

Images from

A Docker image is ready to run, after having Docker build it based on a Dockerfile.

There are many JMeter images on DockerHub.

The most popular:

Jmeter Download And Install For Mac Os 1

BLAH: As of this writing, it runs the older Jmeter 2.13 + Debian OS + Java Server JRE 8 on

Another image containing a JMeter server include:

The image used in the SaaS service is:

Videos about this topic:


Build by Dockerfile

PROTIP: Although it takes more time, this approach is often necessary to incorporate new security patchesin all levels of the tech stack, from the operating system up.Building an image Dockerfile means that you have the very latest versions of all components.

Installing within a Docker container means you are not “cluttering up” you native operating system.In case a particular combination does not work, you can change it without jepordizing your laptop being in a working state.

Rather than repeating the instructions here, for AWS and Blue Ocean clouds,see

The script below can be invoked to setup either a Docker image or your local laptop.

Run BASH script

PROTIP: This script is the starting point for invoking JMeter using continuous integration such as TeamCity or Jenkins.

If you’re on a Mac, all the manual steps described below are automatically performed in the script.

  1. In a Terminal, navigate to the folder under which a new folder is created. The script creates this under your user home page:

  2. Type or copy and paste this command on your Terminal:

    Before installing each item, the script first tests if the item has already been installed.

    In this tutorial and script, we load test a RabbitMQ message broker to accept and forward messages, like a physical post office: where you put the mail that you want posting in a post box, you can be sure that the Postman will eventually deliver the mail to your recipient. In this analogy, RabbitMQ is a post box, a post office, and a postman.

Manual step-by-step install


PROTIP: JMeter is written in Java, so it can be run on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

If you were to manually click at installation would be to:

But instead use the automated approach:

  1. First see what version is considered the latest 64-bit Java Development Kit (JDK) by brew:

    BLAH: We don’t want to install version 9 just yet because when JMeter is installed, it throws up this error:

  2. If you have it already installed, uninstall it.

  3. PROTIP: Install not the latest 64-bit Java Development Kit (JDK), but the last stable v1.8 version:

    The response:

  4. Provide your administrator password when prompted.

  5. Confirm it works by returning the version of the Java compiler installed. In version 9:

    Alternately, in version 8, use a single dash:

    JMeter install

  6. On a Mac, with a Terminal at any folder, install:

    Notice in the response that there is a different version of the installer for each version of the operating system. At time of this writing:

    PROTIP: Behind the scenes, downloads are from:

  7. The script saves the file path other scripts will be using to invoke JMeter just installed:

    The response (at time of writing):

    Alternately, if you are to be using JMeter on your machine, add the export in your Mac’s ~/.bash_profile file.

  8. Let’s summarize what folders are in a folder, install the tree utility:

  9. Show the first level tree:

    The folders:

    • bin contains executables, jar, and properties files
    • docs
    • extras contains miscellaneous files including samples using the Apache Ant tool
    • lib contains library utlity jar files
    • lib/ext contains JMeter components and add-ons
    • licenses contains legal text
    • printable_docs contains the usermanual in html and a demos folder containing jmx files

    Run bash script

  10. To obtain a JMeter project to test a RabbitMQ service:

    PROTIP: The depth parameter ensures that only the most recent version of files are downloaded instead of all the history.

    NOTE: The repo was cloned from because of a deprecation error in build.xml updated to Java 1.8 from 1.5:

    Its author Vitor Campos from Brazil ( no longer has an active account on GitHub.

    I also added the Bash script described above.

  11. Let’s see what was built, using the tree utility (which we installed above):

    The tree output:

    The convention for Java program is to have programming source files within the src folder.The folder src/main/com/zeroclue/jmeter/protocol/amqp/ contains Java code to recognize and respond to the AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) used by RabbitMQ services.


    The companion to that set of programs are within the folder “gui”.

    import statements in the code are dependencies that need to be downloaded as well before the Java code is compiled into classes that Java Virtual Machine runs.That is done by a build automation.


  12. When a project’s files include a build.xml file for ant or maven program to specify download of libraries needed by source code in the src folder.

  13. Install the ant program and run it:

    At time of this writing:

    PROTIP: provides examples of how to use ant to run JMeter.

  14. Edit to view the build.xml file.

  15. Run the ant program which knows to read the build.xml file:

    At time of writing, when running on Java 8, the many console messages end with:

    BTW, if ant is run again, the search and “dwnlded” would be zero because they are already downloaded.

    CAUTION: When running on Java 9, this error message appears before the compile fails:

  16. Let’s see what was added by the build, using the tree utility installed earlier:

    The tree:

    Ant installs Apache Ivy, which is used instead of Maven for resolving dependencies. This avoids the alternative installation using:

    ivy.jar is run by Ant to resolve dependencies specified in file ivy.xml.

    Also, the build created a target folder containing java executable class files. These are packaged into the JMeterAMQP.jar within the dist folder. That jar is what the JVM runs.

    Copy JMeterAMQP.jar into JMeter

  17. Copy the JMeterAMQP.jar just compiled into where JMeter stores its built-in extension executables:

    PROTIP: JMeter comes with extensions to work with protocols FTP, JDBC, JMS, LDAP, TCP, mail, MongoDB, etc.

    amqp-client jar

  18. Use Ivy to download file amqp-client-3.6.1.jar from the Maven Repo (dated Mar 01, 2016)from ???into the $JMETER_HOME/lib folder created during JMeter install.

    PROTIP: Books about RabbitMQ are listed at the bottom of the Maven web page.

    On a Mac:

    Alternately, on Windows:


    Install RabbitMQ server under test

    Based on video Feb 18, 2015 (on Yosemite) by YouTube DevOps celebrity Derek Bailey of

  19. Install RabbitMQ

    The response (at time of writing):

  20. Put the executable within the PATH so it can be executed from any folder:

    Do this permanently to your .bash_profile or .profile file.

    Startup service under test

    PROTIP: Start up the server in the background so the script can continue doing other things.

  21. Use the nohup to bypass the HUP (hung up) signal that would otherwise cause a shutdown:

    The response is the process number assigned, such as:

    [1] 26316

    PROTIP: The &</dev/null prevents nohup from automatically creating a nohup.out file which would contain output from the rabbitmq-server command, such as:

    PROTIP: The “&” ampersand at the end of the command

    Stop background service

  22. List the background jobs running:

    The response:

    WARNING: Be sure to remember to stop this service when it’s not needed.

  23. To remove all jobs in the background:

    NOTE: Alternatively, start up the server every reboot using brew:

    The response:

    Such would create processes listed by the ps command and killed by the pkill or pskill command.

    Run JMeter

  24. PROTIP: Run the automated install script runs a “headless” JMeter instance since humans are not involved during script execution. Plus, the memory taken to display a GUI is saved for testing work.

    When running headless, parameters are used.

  25. Get a list of parameters recognized by jmeter:

    The response has the version at the right edge (3.1 at time of writing):

  26. Right-click Test Plan and go to Add->Thread(Users)->Thread Group. Give a name to Thread Group

    A “Test Plan” is a container for “elements” which specifies the parameters for test runs.

    Each “Thread Group” simulates what LoadRunner calls an individual virtual user.

    Each “thread” is a unit of work that can be simultaneous or sequentially executed. (JMeter itself is multi-threaded).

  27. Within the folder. run the jmeter GUI without any parameters:

    This is returned while the Workbench GUI appears:

    PROTIP: JMeter should be invoked with more than the default amount of memory by adding paramenters to the HEAP environment variable.

    Watch run

  28. Manually, switch to an internet browser to see the GUI:

    The default username and password are “guest” and “guest”.

    PROTIP: The run.xml file in this repo has been edited to reference the above URL.


Sign up for Blazemeter’s Slack channel on JMeter

We have many channels and you’re always welcome to create your own. Here are 5 we recommend:

  • &#_questions_answers - A place to ask and answer JMeter questions
  • &#blog_posts - Share your JMeter blog posts here
  • &#plugins - Get and share info about JMeter’s plugins to customize your testing scripts
  • &#community_projects - A place to meet, plan and work together on JMeter load testing projects
  • &#meetups - Learn and share when there are JMeter meetups in your area.

Videos on YouTube

Will Button

Perform Load Tests on an API Server using Apache JMeter in [8:25] tests a Sample Todo API on Node.js built with Swagger in GitHub repo.

Download Jmeter For Mac

Raghav Pal

Raghav Pal (since Jan 2, 2016) has an excellent JMeter Beginner Tutorial in hisAutomation Step by Step channel (supported by ads):

How To Download Jmeter

  1. How to install Jmeter [6:54] Jun 30, 2016
  2. How to create first Jmeter test [16:21] Jul 1, 2016
  3. How to use assertions [18:25] Jul 6, 2016
  4. How to use Listeners [18:53] Jul 8, 2016
  5. How to record a UI (Web) test [13:28] Jul 9, 2016
  6. How to create a Database Test Plan [10:13] Jul 9, 2016
  7. How to run jmeter from Command Line (non GUI mode) [11:32] Jul 10, 2016
  8. How to test FTP upload and download [12:56] Jul 24, 2016
  9. Testing Web Services API [20:32] Jul 31, 2016
  10. How to create assertions for JDBC (Database) Test Plan [9:45] Aug 2, 2016
  11. How to create HTML Dashboard Reports from command line [20:09] Aug 4, 2016
  12. How to use Plugins Manager [7:23] Aug 6, 2016
  13. How to read data from csv file (Parameterisation) [14:47] Aug 11, 2016
  14. Functions and Variables [13:57] Aug 13, 2016
  15. How to setup realistic performance test-PACING [11:02] Aug 28, 2016
  16. TIMERS (How to add Think Time) [11:13] Aug 29, 2016
  17. How to parameterize FTP test [8:23] Sep 4, 2016
  18. How to run Scheduled + Sequential execution [13:48] Sep 14, 2016
  19. Correlation (with Regular Expression Extractor) [12:30] Jan 15, 2017
  20. How to use TEMPLATES [7:13] Apr 11, 2017
  21. How to use Test Script Recorder [9:23] Apr 12, 2017
  22. How to test File Upload [] Apr 14, 2017
  23. How to test File Download [6:25] Apr 14, 2017
  24. How to DEBUG [8:56] Apr 16, 2017
  25. How to record login test [8:14] Sep 11, 2017

Jmeter Download And Install For Mac Os 2


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Jmeter Download And Install For Mac Os X